Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Its been a while

So I have very obviously been slacking in my blogging. April, seriously?? That was the last time I posted anything?! Geez... So I have been influenced by Oprah and I thought that I would list my favorite things. Here goes nothing- and really, I should be getting paid for these kind of endorsements. I'm kind of a big deal....kidding.

*Clairsonic Facial Brush- Its made by the people who make the sonicare toothbrushes. So imagine using a HUGE toothbrush all over your face. Oh wait, that doesn't sound enticing at all. Its amazing though. Really.

*IPOD- I recently purchased myself an IPOD touch. Please keep in mind that this is the first and only IPOD that I have purchased for myself. I have purchased THREE for my sister. I always thought that it was quite the luxury item, but now that I have one, I'm not really sure how I ever survived without one. I have my schedule, phone book, pictures, internet access and music in the pal of my hand.

*Jack's Mannequin- Quite possibly one of the best bands around. I have literally followed them around the country to see them play. OK- some might call it stalking, I call it a very devoted fan. In fact, Katy is taking me to Denver to see them for my birthday!

*Adult Gummy Vitamins- I have to take a slew of vitamins on a daily basis and I have always just taken a chewable multi as the big horsepill ones upset my stomach. Josh discovered adult gummy vitamins at Costco and they make me happy :)

*Good Quality Sheets- I am a bargain hunter. In fact, I refuse to pay full price for just about anything. I have always just purchased bargain sheets, neglecting to watch thread count. I stumbled across a pair of sheets on that changed my life. They are 800 thread count brushed cotton sheets. I seriously don't know if I have ever slept better. Me loves them.

*Funny blogs- In the few small quiet moments, its nice to be able to turn to something funny to keep your spirits up and laughing. I stumbled on this blog and I thought that it was simply too funny. Check it out!!

*Old Navy- With two kids under 5, a husband and a Katy to shop for, it can get pretty pricey. That's why I LOVE Old Navy. Cute stuff, affordable, decent quality- I love it! AND they have warm cute Halloween costumes for the kids!

*Scrub pants- I live in scrubs. I sleep in them, lounge in them, go to the store in them- I love them. They wash well, they don't wrinkle. If it wasn't for scrubs, I would actually have to get ready in the morning, and where is the fun in that?!

*Hummus- who knew mashed up beans could be so delightful. I dip veggies in it, nut crackers- its comforting and super healthy!

Sometimes I think that its just fun to tell people about great stuff in your life! Tell me what yours is. Next blog to come, what are people thinking!?

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