Sunday, February 5, 2012

Focus, Focus, Focus

So I have been reading quite a few different blogs lately and I have had the chance to interact with a few fellow bloggers and they question has been asked more than a few times- what is YOUR blog about.  I attempt to explain that its about my life.  Its about things that I love, whether that is about my kids, funny stories, changes and events in our life- things that make my life easier-you know- LIFE.  I get kind of funny looks and get told that its more of an online diary that I am keeping and not necessarily a BLOG that I am keeping.  SO- I decided to FOCUS.  Have one main theme and focus.  I have touched on my birth stories, motherhood, etc.  I have talked about my struggle with addiction and bi polar syndrome.  I have touched on my struggle with weight loss and my journey after having a gastric bypass.
I am not one for New Years Resolutions.  I think that its another way that we set ourselves up to fail and then beat ourselves up for.  I believe in making goals- but keeping them attainable and realistic.  I believe goals are there to be something that we work towards whether its's over the coarse of a few weeks, a few months, a few years, or a lifetime.  SO let me share a few goals with you that are internal, monetary, external, spiritual and for my children.
My goals for the months of February and March:
I will start back in a fitness routine a minimum of three days a week.  I will incorporate cardio and resistance training.
I will use my tax returns to eliminate the bulk of my credit card debt and make a plan to eliminate the remaining balance.
I will find a quiet moment for myself each day.  If only for five minutes- and relish in them.
I will read one book cover to cover.  (this one is a lot harder than one might think for me)
I will set aside time once a week to spend with each child and my husband to make sure that they know how special they are to me.
I will NOT cut my hair.  ( I want bra strap length hair and I keep getting tempted to cut it )
I will update my blog with updates on how my goals are coming along.

Phew....that's a lot (for me).  SO, I want feedback.  Are you resolution people?  Do you stick to them?  What works for you and what doesn't work?  What are your goals?  Do you want to do an accountability thing where we all check in together?  Make a goal "club"?  Love you all and I cant wait to hear back from you!  XOXO- Kristen

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I love it! I decided this year that New Year's Resolutions don't work for me! I did not do one thing that I meant to last year. So, this year I have set goals. Some I documented on my blog and some that I did not. (I do believe that some goals are personal and private!) One of my main goals is to lose weight so that I can be happy with myself. You can check out that blog at My other goals for the year on posted on my family blog with is (that one is private, so if you want an invite email me.