So, it has been quite some time since I have checked in and let you all know developments in the life of- ME. As you all know, my birth family is now a part of my life. My Mom and Dad came to Utah for eight days and then in June I traveled to Denver for 8 days. It has been a truly amazing journey. I guess that its OK to let you all know about my family dynamic a little more.
Megan is my middle sister. She and I couldn't look more different. She has the most amazing blond ringleted curly hair, and BLUE eyes. Think Sophie's color blue. In fact, when I saw a picture of Megan for the first time, I broke out in tears because I FINALLY knew where Sophie's blue eyes came from. Megan has the most AMAZING heart. She is more internal than I. She is very thoughtful and gentle. She is the most like our Dad both looks and personality wise- and I really look up to her. She is pretty amazing.
My younger sister is Whitney. She is married to Trenton. She and I look the most alike and you can really tell we are sisters :) She is spunky and uniquely- Whitney. She makes me laugh SO much. She reminds me of well- ME when I was 23. It cracks me up. I find myself laughing and giggling whenever we are together.
Don't forget the baby of the group- Katy. She has been called to serve a full time mission to Romania and Moldova and will be leaving August 22nd. We have been INSANE trying to get all of her preparations completed. We are having a blast doing lots together before she leaves. Shopping, temple stuff, vacations-etc. We are actually leaving this Sunday for a trip to Yellowstone with Katy and her birth family and myself and my birth family. Isn't that awesome?! I cant wait!!!
Speaking of temple- we had the most AMAZING experience this weekend. Katy, Grandpa Richardson, Taunna Vance, Amy Lofgreen, Marcia Mitchell, my Mom Lynn, and Katy's birth Grandmother Reba were all invited to go through for Katy's live ordinance session this weekend. Though I was not able to attend the service inside the temple, I was absolutely honored to share in the experience. It was a reminder to me that we are all entwined and we are all connected.
Our family has grown and expanded so greatly in the last few years that sometimes its hard to comprehend. The temple was the perfect reminder that we are so blessed to have such an amazing family. Both the ones we were born into and the ones that we were raised with. It is a beautiful circle that has come around. I cant wait to sit together with both of my Moms and giggle about what an amazing experience we shared. I never in a million years dreamed that we would share this in this lifetime.
People have been asking a lot about how me and my birth family are getting along. The only way that I can explain it is that it really feels like we are just picking up where we left off. It has been beautiful and easy. I was worried before my trip to Colorado that I wasn't sure where my place was in the family. The funny thing is once I got there, I just fit. Without discussion, without even trying, I just fit. It was a really surreal experience. We sat around my first night there with my Mom and Dad, my brother and two sisters and just talked and laughed. It was so natural and like we had done it a thousand times before. My sweet Daddy was just a total marshmallow to see all four of his babies all together for the first time. Shhh, dont tell him I told you so.
I don't have anything earth shattering or crazy to report when it comes to my family because we are just- being us. I don't know how else to explain it. We all talk daily. We all are close in our own ways. We are a family- in our own unique way. I have said it before and I will say it again. Before February, I was not a crying woman. I didn't cry very easily at all. Now, I struggle to turn the water works off. It was almost like I had turned a piece of my heart off and reuniting with my family has engaged that piece once again.
So- our next adventure is Yellowstone! 8 days with our ever expanding family! I cant wait. Pictures and stories to come! Thanks for all of your love, well wishes and support through such an amazing time. I love you all and I am so grateful for each and every one of you.