Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Change of pace

The last couple of posts have been quite lengthy and a little heavy, so I thought that I would do a change of pace here.  As a mom and daycare provider, I am surrounded by little munchkins all day long who say the funniest things.  I thought that I would share a couple.

After getting in trouble and yelled at, I slipped down the stairs on my back.  I was at the bottom of the stairs crying and Duncan ran over asking if I was ok.  Sophie's response: "She'll be fine."  Gave me a dirty look and walked away. 

We were discussing whether a trip to the zoo or to the local water park would be a better fit for our summer staycation.  Sophie of coarse chose the water park and I was disappointed.  I told her that mommy didn't feel like getting into a swim suit at 8 months pregnant.  Sophie's response: "You don't HAVE to come, you know."  Well then...

"Mom, I am almost as excited for my baby sister to come as I am for the Easter bunny to come!"

"Mom!  Get my disco ball!  It's time to get this party started!!"  This was said as we sat down to eat dinner.  Maybe he was really excited about spaghetti night?!

"Wow mom, you need to go fix your hair- you look CRAZY!"  That was the last time I let my naturally curly hair just air dry.

"Mom, we're having an Oswald!"  That was Duncan's interpretation of his new baby sister when we showed him the ultrasound pictures.  I guess I can see where Duncan would think a blurry ultra sound pic would liken a cartoon octopus. 

And just for poops and giggles- here is a Katy classic:

Katy pulls up to the KFC drive thru after its closed and the automatic reel plays asking her to order.  She begins to order and is cut off by a real person who informs her that they are closed.
Katy: "but the machine told me to order!"
KFC: "I'm sorry, its a machine, and we are closed"
Katy: thinks for about 5 seconds "but I'm already HERE!"

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