Sunday, January 27, 2013

What???? Im fat??? No way!!!

OK, the title is a little melodramatic- I know.  I went in for my post op appointment last week after a LONG seven week recovery basically in bed.  Guess what?!  I gained weight over the holidays?!  Shocker.  The awesome thing is when your doctor tells you like you don't already know.  Like I don't have a mirror, or a scale, or eyes, or hands, or a brain.  Nope- when you tell me that I am overweight- I'm SHOCKED!  OK, sarcasm aside- I get that its her job to keep me in good health and that my weight is a BIG part of that.  Not just weight but overall health.  Since having Lyza, I have had some down right debilitating pain issues that despite the dr.s best efforts- still plague me daily.  SO, in the world of Kristen, when it hurts, I don't do it.  I know, I know...if I did it, it would hurt less....blah, blah, blah.  Anyway- when I don't work out I pay less and less attention to what I am shoving in my face.  Nachos?  SURE!  Cheese its?  WHY NOT!  French fries?  DON'T MIND IF I DO!  I'm a salty carb person with a very occasional sweet tooth.  I just like carbs, lets be real.

Well- my friends- thing are about to get real.  This gal in front of you- well, behind the computer screen, has gained an astounding 25 lbs in the last 28 months.  Yup- that's almost a pound a month.  Besides the fact that I had to buy new jeans, I feel crappy.  Seriously- I'm wiped ALL the time.  My body just feels- ick- for the lack of a better term.  I have been documentary-ing it up lately and combined with the fact that my super model doctor called me fat- I decided- IT IS TIME.  Keep in mind- I have to get on hormones coming up here pretty soon and I am not sure what this will do to my body.  Im thinking it should help rather than hinder- right?!  I don't know, never been on them before.....

SO- I have seen all the same infomercials as the rest of you.  Insanity, P90X, Yoga booty ballet (my personal favorite name), and I am sure that you have sat through a couple of them like I undeniably have.  SO- I started thinking.  Most of these programs are expensive and honestly mama cant swing it right now.  Besides instructional work out, they are selling inspiration.  If someone else can do this workout EVERY DAY for 90 days- surely I can too!  Right?!  Right.  SO- Super queen of excuses said to myself- why not?  I can do anything for 90 days!  Dude- I was PREGNANT for 933 days.  (yes, I calculated that stuff out) 90 days is NOTHING and I wont even puke! (hopefully)

So here we are!  I started it all today-sick with a cold and all.  I measured, weighed and took PICTURES showing all 360 degrees of my fluffy goodness.  YUP!  I wrote it all down and kept track of EVERYTHING that went into my mouth- including the 7 bites of frosting-less birthday cake.  I tracked it all on and totaled up all the nutrition going into my body.  Guess what?  I was "good" today and I had a realization that I am constantly eating but nutritionally starving myself.  No wonder my vitamin D was so low they almost didn't accept me for live saving surgery?!

SO- I went where all people should start on their adventures of health- the grocery store!  Ta-da!  I decided that it was time.  Time I give up all of the processed yummy guilty pleasures that I have accustomed myself to.  I bought myself an entire weeks worth of groceries without leaving the perimeter of the store!  99% was fruits and veggies- the others was eggs, low fat milk alternative (lactose intolerance), dried beans and frozen veggies.  I am basically going vegetarian   I don't know of any fat, unhealthy people who live on fruits and veggies- do you?  Is it sustainable?  I don't know, I have never tried it.  SO- what the hell- let's try it!

In addition- my behind is getting out of this computer chair and I'm doing two things 6 days a week.  I am walking/jogging (once I work back up to it) for a minimum of 30 minutes a day and then doing 3 intervals of workouts everyday.  I have a console that I can you tube in my living room so I can do it in the privacy of my own living room for FREE.  Most of her strength training workouts are about 10-15 minutes and though they are short- they will KICK YOUR BUTT.  Seriously- 5 minutes into my first set I was praying to a higher power.  True story.  Anyway- I thought that I would put this very personal adventure out there in mass and see who else wants to play?  Its 90 days!  I dated the most really terrible guys in my life for longer than that- so I can definitely work on my health for that long.  What I am HOPING is that I love my body, health and way of life after 90 days and I cant imagine going back to microwave burritos and tater tots.  Who knows though?  I cant tell where my life will be in 90 days, but here's to having fun in the mean time!!  Let's play!!


Unknown said...

Would you believe I'm fat too? ;)
I'm the same way....I'm a very emotional eater and the holidays make me kinda verklempt, ya know?
So....tomorrow it's clean out the kitchen day. Goodbye crap food and hello 2 weeks of intense hell! After that I'll be so much happier!
Good luck on your quest...send me luck for mine! <3
Love ya!!

Natalie Sue said...

Sooo.. Guess what. It has ALWAYS been so hard for me to lose weight. I've tried SO many things! Been on programs, etc. But right now, I am thrilled. I decided to go sugar free, gluten free, and dairy free. Sugar, for obvious reasons. Gluten, because wheat is not so great these days (I will go back to it in moderation, when I'm done),and milk. Well, cause, I can drink unpasturized almond milk.
I've exercised a little, not a ton. But just by eating foods without sugar, gluten, and milk? I've lost 18 pounds since December 1st. I'm still in denial. I need to exercise more to stay strong and keep my heart and lungs healthy, but I seriously can't believe what sugar and gluten do. It's crazy, but I'm loving it! I'm excited for you! Good luck! I know you will do great and will feel great! I need to be like you and get excited about the working out part. :) I also watched this video and I loved it. Good tips!

Celeste said...

You can do it!!!

Anonymous said...

awesome! Good luck! I cant believe you did that all being sick! Ive lost all motivation these last 2 weeks of being sick - and hoping that once the stupid cold and caugh is gone for good that motivation will return! I cant wait to check out that site you mentioned. Im all for short work outs. None of this one hour crap - Ill get so discouraged just thinking about it, so Ill end up doing nothing at all. haha! :)