Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, New Begining

Happy New Year! It is New Years Day 2009- I cant even believe it. I remember my mom telling me how fast time goes by but I never really believed her- until now. Duncan celebrated his FIRST birthday! I cant believe he is already one. It makes me sad in a way. He is supposed to be my baby- and he isn't any more. He is growing and learning so fast! If only we could get him to gain some weight....The doctor told us at his 1 year check up that there is no such thing as a zero percentile, but if there was one, Duncan would be in it. SO- I really have to try to fatten him up. If only I could just donate some of mine to him.

I have really taken noticed to the fact that Sophie is very grown up and very smart. I need to embrace that and nurture that, but also ensure that she gets to be a kid. I don't want to be a mom that is throwing her into everything because I think she will do well in everything. Take it a day at a time. She is so anxious for preschool and daycare to start back up on Monday. I must admit, I am too! I love having the consistency in a day, a routine, the TV off. It just keeps me SOO busy!!

The New Year is a great time for reflection on the progress that we have made in the last year. Its a really good time to see if there are changes or goals that we need to make. There is a lot to reflect on for me this year. I really want to focus on being IN THE MOMENT for my family. I get so wrapped up in whats going on tomorrow, next week, next payday, that I forget to enjoy right now. I also want this to be the year that my health gets back on track- no matter what that looks like. I hate to call them resolutions, but I guess that's what they are. Anyway, I hope that the next twelve months are happy and healthy for all! Happy New Year!

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