Thursday, February 5, 2009

SOOO Tired

I dont know if its just the time of year, the fact that I chase five to seven kids around every day, or just being a mom in general but I have been SO tired lately. I feel like I just have no energy to get up and do what I need to do. On the up swing, I got my final letter of recommendation from my primary care physician for my surgery! I am so excited ( and terrified! ) I look forward to seeing what new changes will come in my life.

Duncan is taking steps. I wouldnt say that he is walking, but he is taking steps. I dont know if I am excited or scared! He is already a tazmanian devil without being THAT mobile! Heaven help me. Sophie is so awesome. She just gets more out going and funny every day!!


Kody and Kurliston said...

I love you so much! And I hope that you get more energy soon!

Anonymous said...

Kristen, Its great to read a bit about your life and feel like I know what is going on! Im glad we have the family blog now! I need your email address so I can send you an invit to our blog. Hope you are doing well, and can get some energy back!