Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"Oh she died? Well she deserved it."

OK, So I am totally going to go there.  I am opening a can of worms and I am somewhat scared for the backlash.  I know I have been doing a carefree fun makeup blog but I have really been thinking about this for a while and felt it necessary to touch on it.  Whitney Houston just passed away, before that it was Amy Winehouse, Heath Ledger, Anna Nicole Smith, River Phoenix, Elivs Presley, Marilyn Monroe and Judy Garland.  They all allegedly passed away from addiction.  Some deaths were intentional, some were not.  We can never be sure because, we aren't them.

I bring this up because there has been quite a few posts on social media like facebook and twitter with messages that basically shame the nation for grieving for Whitney Houston's death.  "How dare a state or city put a flag at half mass for her?"  "Why are people shocked, she was a crack head?" "It's all her ex's fault anyway for getting her hooked on drugs".   These statements have made me really sad.  When did we become so calloused that the loss of a human life was brushed off because they lost the battle with a horrible disease?

I know a lot of people who also do not believe that addiction is a disease, that its just poor choices.  I can tell you first hand as a person who has looked addiction straight in the face- that statement is really false.  If a person was healthy in their mind, would they put their life in danger?  If a person was healthy, would they take their own life to escape the demons they are battling?  If a person was healthy, would they steal and hurt and lie to others, bankrupt themselves, prostitute or worse for their drug of choice?  The answer is no.  When you are battling addiction and making horrible decisions, addiction is truly running the show.

Now, before I get clobbered and misunderstood, please understand that I am not justifying or saying that its ok for people to go and do whatever they want just because they are dealing with addiction.  I am just saying that it is obvious that they are not healthy or they wouldn't be putting themselves or those around them in danger in the first place.

I think that its important to remember that people are more than just their problems too.  These celebrities that passed away were someones child, parent, sibling or spouse.  Those that are left are grieving the loss of their family member.  It makes sad to think that their family members have to hear horrible and derogatory remarks while trying to cope and heal.  I guess what I am saying is I wish there was more compassion from people.  Everyone has problems and I for one am grateful that my problems are mine.  Have a little bit of compassion and understanding and respect for others- even if you don't understand their choices.

OK, I am stepping off my soap box once again.  Thanks for "going there" with me :)

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