Wednesday, March 6, 2013


SO I haven't written an update as of late about my change in eating and working out and stuff.  I thought I would make this snappy.  I have been sidelined by the exercise thing lately.  I kind of sort of spranged and injured my ankle while out with the kids for a hike.  Just a word of advice.  When four miles in, going downhill, don't put a 35 pound child on your shoulders and then attempt to traverse ice.  BAD IDEA.

I'm still doing pretty good with the eating thing.  Nothing major to report.  Its still good- I'm still full and I'm still happy with my choice.  Down a couple of pounds but things have slowed which is natural for me.  I ALWAYS lose a ton straight up and then slow down to a pound or two a week.  I'm totally fine with that.  I still have energy and pep in  my step- even if it is a bit of a limp.  Oh well- ankles heal.

How are you guys doing with your quests for health?  Any roadblocks pop up for you?

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