Friday, May 6, 2011


One of the most difficult parts of parenting for me has been the complete and utter lack of sleep.  It started with pregnancy insomnia and the inability to get comfortable to sleep.  Then you have the baby, and we all know how demanding newborns and infants can be between the hours of 9 PM and 6 AM.  Then we have toddler transition, bad dreams, irregular waking patterns, teething, monsters in the closet, and stuffy noses.  I BARELY started to feel like I was actually able to get into a semi normal sleep pattern now that my children are 3 1/2 and 5 1/2....then I got pregnant and the sleep deprivation kicked in all over again.

I must admit that I have the worlds most AWESOME partner who takes most nights for me.  Even when the kids were infants and would take a bottle, Josh was up with them so I could get some sleep.  It saved me in ways that I cant explain.  I dont know if I am wired funny, but there is only so much sleep deprivation that my body and mind can handle.  I seriously will just start crying in the middle of nothing simply because I am SO tired.  (I have done it in public too...) 

You want to make a million dollars fast?!  Invent a way to a- let a mom to feel like 2 hours of sleep is actually 8 and is completely energized without it involving drugs...b- figure out a way to ensure a 8 hour sleep schedule for kids that doesn't involve drugs....or c- have the government pay for wonderful free post pardum doulas for the the first year of life like they do in France.  Where is my 23% in taxes really going anyway?!  I wish you all a great nights sleep or in the very least, a refreshing nap.  I know we could all use one. 

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