Sunday, May 29, 2011

Its only 9 months, right?!

So the blessing of pregnancy is one that I am so eternally grateful for and honored that I get to experience.  That being said, there are days where I want certain things that I just cant have when pregnant.   It doesnt bug me for the most part, but other days, it feels like the death of me.  Here is a little list of things that I am so excited for once I have my little bundle of joy in my arms. 

*Sleeping how I want to, when I want to.  I miss the occasional stomach nap, without having to use 20 pillows.  I also miss actually being able to sleep.  I am one of those lucky ones that has insomnia from the day of conception until the day of arrival. 

*Steak.  I know, I know- you can eat steak when you are pregnant.  I will only eat a steak medium rare and not a degree over.  Hence- no steak for me.  What is the point of eating it once its well done and leathery?!

*Sushi.  I love, desire and crave raw fish.  I know some people find it gross but I cannot live with out it.  9 months about does me in.

*My feet.  I cant see them, I cant reach them and they morph into these strange Flinstone type things toward the end of the day.  My big toe actually swells to the point of pain.  Yes, my big toe.

*Clothing variety.  I refuse to spend tons of cash on maternity clothes.  I will buy a few shirts and a couple of pairs of pants and thats about it.  You can only make so many outfits out of those few basics.  I get tired looking in the mirror and seeing the outfit I wore two days ago. 

*Coffee.  Yes, I still partake in an occasional cup of coffee but a heightened sense of smell and a picky preggy tummy has made me a horrible coffee snob.  I cant take cheap coffee.  I seriously gag.

*Snuggle time.  I have this weird thing that happens when I get pregnant.  I get very claustrophobic.  I cant handle more than a little snuggle with the hubby without feeling like the walls are closing in on me.  Combine that with the ultra sensitive nose that I aquire and its no good.  I cant STAND the smell of Josh's deoderant when I'm pregnant.  Blech!

*Jogging.  I LOVE to jog.  It became one of my favorite things to do when I lost weight.  I miss being able to lace up my jogging shoes and crank my ipod in the basement and get in a couple of miles.  Im lucky if I can walk to the mailbox right now without feeling hip pain, round ligament pain, or having to pee.

*Wrestling with my kids.  I love to wrestle and play with my kids.  Its one of our favorite things to do.  Unfortunately, once I am on the floor, my mobility it pretty limited.  It can take me a few minutes just to figure out how the heck to stand up!

*Energy.  I miss having the energy to do the simple things that I typically do on a daily basis.  I miss carrying a basket of laundry upstairs.  I miss vacuuming without having to stop for 20 minutes afterward to sit down while Braxton Hicks ensue.  

I know that its just temporary and it's all for the greater good.  I know that once I am holding her in my arms that none of this will matter.  I know that there will always be SOMETHING that I can complain about having to do or not being able to do.  For now, these are the grievances that I air.


Plus Size Mommy Memoirs said...

LOVE it! I have to admit that I giggled a little when you talked about sleep because I don't think I slept for two months after giving birth. I totally feel you with sushi - I had my mom bring me some while we were still in the hospital! :)

Anonymous said...

Aw, i feel this way too sometimes. :)